1976 Miracle Yearbook

WATCHING THE VIDEO-TAPE, Coach McGill- ivray, Mike Niles, and Diana Jones show in- terest in the physical education and health display. GRINNING BROADLY, Mr. Gidley en- joys himself at the psychology booth. GREET- ING OLD FRIENDS, Bob Melford is one of the ex-students who took advantage of Cedar Day. PICKING AT HIS WATERMELON SEED, Rich Luedeke takes time-off from the day's activities to eat. UPSETTING THEIR CANOE,Bob Burkhart and Duncan Fields are rowdy.FEASTING ON HIS SANDWICH, Lee Avery eats his lunch. LOOK- ING ON,Connie Clithero awaits the tree-plant- ing ceremony. PADDLING CALMLY, two boys take pleasure in one ofCedar Day's activities. cedar day 43