1976 Miracle Yearbook

For Tim Rowland, as for most students, OPEN- ING THE MAILBOX can either be the most ex- citing or the most depressing moment of the day. A CLOSE-UP OF A MAILBOX — the most used object on campus. Mrs.Shenefield,PACK- ING BOXES TO MAIL as part of her job as "Inter-communications Technician," in other words, a mail room employee. Jo Leeke REACHES FOR A TERM PAPER COVER — hope- post office and bookstore fully after she has alreadyfinished the paper. A popular spot in the bookstore, conveniently located near the cash register, is THE CANDY RACK. Jessica Huesmann and Cheryl Jamison WALK INTO THE POST OFFICE SMILING — let's see if they come out smiling. Bill Lanphier BROWSES OVER A BOOK RACK, one of the many in the bookstore. 57