1977 Miracle Yearbook

140 Dorms Go Female Reclining on the east side of cam- pus is a one-floor, brick structure known as Patterson Hall. Once,in years past, the humble abode of a choice group of Cedarville men,it now houses members ofthe female gender. With the drastic change in residents,Patterson has taken on a more feminine quality, a more re- fined look. New paint (black and Yellow?!)has added to the new im- age ofthe dorm.The fact that it is so small adds to a more homey at- mosphere,drawing residents closer as a family. On the north side ofcampuslooms a white structure greatly resem- bling an army barracks, known to the college family as Bethel Hall, housing 31 fair ladies from various backgrounds. These feminine resi- dents reside in single rooms,a rare pleasure on campus. Here,the Bethel Belles study, en- joy the privacy, or, when the occa- sion demands, pack their rooms with friends and fellowship. Lux- uries include carpeting and panel- ing; thus eliminating cold floors and peeling paint. 1."Yes, Mother,I did clean my room today," remarks Karen Sollenne. 2.An exciting adventure is undertaken by Mar- go Axiotis — balancing on an inner tube in the hall. 3.So this is whata typical get-together in Pat- terson dorm looks like! 4.Even though one hasconked out,four others are still anticipating the all-nighter. 5.Sara Browning becomes a"slave"by ironing for Patterson's money-making project. 6.Clenching a white pen,Vicki Cline recharges her brain by watching television. 7. "Scrub-a- dub-dub" Sherri Jones sings as she cleans the car. 8.Donna Marland converses with that"special someone."