1977 Miracle Yearbook
Three Dorms Share Same Resident Adviser 142 Rumored by its occupants to have various obnoxious vermin crawling the floors of its dark basement is West Hall — the old white house hidden behind the Science Center. Housing the members ofthe Alpha Chi Rescue Squad,West Hall con- sists of two stories, boasting a bal- cony, kitchen, and garage for the Squad's ambulance. West shares a Resident Adviser with Carr Dorm, located approximately 100 yardsto its south. One of the few carpeted dorms on campus, Carr is divided into units withfour rooms per unit and two guys per room. Carr is Marshall's identical twin in exteri- or appearance. Marshall's base- ment is a recreation room while Carr's is more rooms. Known for the altruism of its residents, Carr also shares the R.A. belonging to itself and West with Palmer Dorm which lies directly behind Carr. Justopened up this year,Palmer is composed of two buildings and a duplex house. 1.It is afact thatFloyd Dallis is engaged — but is this his fiancee? 2. Jerry Lantz burns the midnight oil. 3. Jack Caufield exemplifies good study habits. 4. John Andrew appears to have given up his mischieviousness and is resigned to undo what he did — or maybe he was just practicing! 5.Life at West Hall includes lively chats on the way to the ball diamond. 6. West Hall is a testing ground for future homemakers,as Dave Rich and Tim O'Neal demonstrate. 7.Is the flying debrisgoing in orcoming out of Mark Streitmatter's mouth? 8.Is Dave Drozeck getting his hair trimmed — or trying to read an eye chart?
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