1977 Miracle Yearbook
Work-A-Than Draws Student Participation Student Senate is a governmental body composed of elected mem- bers from either a class or art orga- nization. Each participant is in- volved in helping the college to function properly. Their responsi- bilities range from organizing ma- jor events held on campus,such as Homecoming, to handing out studentloans and grants.The Sen- ate is the acting go-beteen for the students and the Administration. The biggest project undertaken by the whole student body this year is the Work-A-Thon, organized by StudentBody Project.May4is the day in which Cedarville College students work in the city park,the Cedar Cliff High School football field,the Indian Mound,and other areas in the town and on campus. The project has a twofold purpose: to show concern for and interest in the surrounding community of Ce- darville,and to raise moneyfor the new chapel organ. 1. The chipping paint on Bethel Hall is a project for students in the Work-A-Thon. 2. Debris is removed from the wooded areas adjacent to Cedarville. 3. Dawn Shumaker plants marigolds to beautify the walkways. 4. A lonely wheelbarrel waits to be filled. 5.StudentBody Project Committee:BACK ROW:M.Kessel ,T.Bos,B.Heagy,P.Mill- er, J. Veldt, J. Gehrke,D. Scott, D.Black- burn; SECOND ROW:D. Zeller, C. Ham- mond,J. Vogel;FRONT ROW:J. Graham, C. Jacobs, D. Jansen, R. Moore. 6. Cedarville College students "fetch the stick" from the river. 7. A mask is needed to sweep the heavily dusted attic in the old opera house. 8. Student Senate: BACK ROW:D. Wick- man,B. Keizer, B. Henslin, S. Bahorik, S. Anderson, C. Miller, S. Scoggins, C. Doug- lass, R. Harley,B. Abernathy, M.Jackson; SECOND ROW:K. Amstutz,B. Heagy,L. Hanson,S. Poling, M.Sigmon, M.Seeley, V. Cline, J. Kiser, D. Thomas; FRONT ROW:C. May,M.Biggs, C. Radcliff, Dean Rickard, D. Dixon, B. Reid, D. Zaller. 162
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