1977 Miracle Yearbook
4 Women Organize Social Activities Cedarville women took an active part in this year's Cedar What elections by appointing their own women candidates. The clubs in- volved in this escapade were Gam- ma Zeta Theta and Gamma Chi. Through a variety of social and service activities, Gamma Zeta Theta attempts to promote the true image of womanhood as they live for God. The women seek to develop their Christian personality and leadership through the many projects and speakers scheduled throughout the year. The President's Wife's Tea, week- end retreats, and their annual spring banquet arejust afew ofthe many activities sponsored by Gam- ma Chi. Through these events the organization seeks to develop poise and ease at both formal and infor- mal gatherings. Their ultimate goal is to become "Women for Christ". 1. GAMMA CHI:FRONT ROW:P. Molin, V. Cline,D. Kelso,R.Taylor,S. Champlin, P. Axiotis, M.Filmer;SECOND ROW:K. Gray,B.Roth,J. Wagner,M.Humbert,T. Danec, L. Luers, S. Shaw, K. Kimball, C. Keller, K. Haga, V. Larson, D. James; THIRD ROW: J. Smith, D. Martin, M. Streitmatter,B.Meyers,D.Hattenfield,M. Mayo,L.Patton,K.Langford,J.Anderson, D. Jansen, C. Douglass, S. Zink; BACK ROW: C. Smith, D. Festag, M. Greve, S. Board, D. Hazel, C. Kuhn, C. Watts, D. Robery,D.Gawthrop,J. Kiser,S.Scoggins, R. Fenton, S. Bonzo. 2. Gamma Zeta Theta President Becky Reid expresses the sentiment ofthe women at the Cedar What banquet. 3. Workers prepare balloons to decorate the annual Gamma Chi banquet. 4. GAMMA ZETA THETA: FRONT ROW:M.Moore ,N.Reitnauer,K.Lapp,S. Higbee; SECOND ROW: P. Burtner, P. Townsend,B.Reid,H.Vassari,J. Wheeler, P.Grimmett,D.Howard,B.Cobb,D.Shu- maker ;THIRDROW:C.Kinney ,R.North- cutt, C. Olson, S. Browning, D. Lones, S. Mesner, R. Rogers, J. Cobb, C. Hargis, S. Chamblin. 5.Debbie Hattenfield and Brenda McBride do their share to make the Gamma Chi ban- quet a success. 6. "Professional" carpenters were hired to make the props for the banquet. 19
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