1977 Miracle Yearbook

Talent Night Hosts New Students With a variety of talent ranging from gospel songs to dramatical skits,the decision as to the winner of the 1976 New Student Talent Night is a difficult one to make. Nevertheless, a comical arrange- ment of "Billy Goats Gruff" pre- sented by John Briggs,Gus Cham- berlain, Craig Colas, and Kent McDougal steals the show and is awarded first place. A musical group consisting of Scott Bahorik, Bill Carroll, and Brad Milbauer wins second place with their num- bers,"Annie's Song" and "Bridge Over Troubled Waters". Joel Veldt's humorous dramatization of "Frontier Mortician" wins third prize. 1.John Briggs,Gus Chamberlain,Craig Co- las and Kent McDougal win with their ver- sion of "Billy Goats Gruff." 2. Faith Grahl and Carolyn Huffman Sing- ing their song,"Sisters." 3. Joel Veldt places third with an oral inter- pretation of"Frontier Mortician." 4."I Won't Last A Day Without You"is a solo sung by Dawn Curtis. 5. Hostess and Host for the Talent Night are Angela Hilmes and Barry Heagy. 6. Allen Woodruff presents a tumbling rou- tine. 7. Mike Bentley, Dean Scott and Carl Ze- lonis listen as "Uncle" Russ Yoder tells a bedtime story. 8.Scott Bahorik,Bill Carroll and Brad Mil- bauer perform "Annie's Song"and "Bridge Over Troubled Water." 21