1977 Miracle Yearbook

Ed's Tire and Auto Service, Inc. Complete Automotive Repair State Rt. 42 Cedarville, Ohio 766-2761 Special Prices on Tires to Students and Faculty , AMERICA'S LARGEST WATER POWERED , GRIST MILL ESTABLISHED 1815 • CLIFTON MILLS, ® INC. Clifton, Ohio 45316 Phone (513) 767-5501 Whole Grain — Stoneground, Corn Meal, Flour & Mixes No Preservatives or Additives Old Fashion Country Store Unique Gifts, Candy & Foods Mon-Sat Sun Visitors May Tour Mill 9:00-6:00 11:00-6:00 Life Auto Fire Boat Bonds Home Owners Health Pension Programs "Insure with Confidence" A FULL SERVICE AGENCY 1 W. Washington Jamestown, Ohio Earl Gerard — Res. 372-2600 Dick Baker — Res. 426-2920 Business — Farm — Industrial — Commercial For Friendly Service 675-9321 372-2600 Dr.& Mrs. Charles N. Patton 2509 Sunrise Ave. Lafayette,IN Mr.& Mrs. Clifford M.Peterson R.D. #2, Box 180 Cuba, NY Mr.& Mrs. Don Peterson Box 156 Haines, AK Mr.& Mrs. Norman B. Polley P.O. Box 133 Brownsburg,IN Gail Poole 26613 Townley Madison Hts., MI Mr.& Mrs. Leneal R. Potter R.D. #2 Allegany, NY Mr.& Mrs. George A. Price 1550A, US 19 North Port Richey, FL Mr.& Mrs. Harry Price 67 Florence Ave. Sharon Hill, PA 257