1977 Miracle Yearbook

Weknow that God has revealed Himselfin three ways:(1)by His Word,the Bible,which we at Cedarville are taught;(2)by His creation,which we in stillness view as an expression ofthe glory ofGod;and(3)by His Son,who Himself was perfect and whose humble and godly spirit showed us the way to Heaven.It was by His willing obedience to the Father's command that He submitted to death on the cross. This death wasasubstitute to take our place asa resultofour sin.Itis beliefin thePeronand the Work ofthe Savior that brings one into a saving relationship with God.We are no longer doomed tospend eternity in Hell. Jesus' exaltation will come — and we as believers will be united with Him to exalt Him forever. Mildred B. Zachary 226 Oak Park Dr. Brevard, NC Mr.& Mrs. Louis Zaller 771 East 348th Street Eastlake, OH Mr.& Mrs. William Zelonis 721 22nd St. N.W. Canton,OH Rev. Joseph E. Lewis 4506 Moore Rd. Middletown,OH 265