1977 Miracle Yearbook

Junior Class Reaches For Rapport Having good communications be- tween officers and students is the Junior Class's goal. Proof of this desire is seen in the questionnaires given to Juniors. All are asked to indicate which class activities they prefer. From this, all activities are determined, including a roller skating party,a bowling party,and an outdoor activity. The Junior Class endeavors to include the rest of the school in all their activities. Good organization is being empha- sized in the efforts spent on the Junior-Senior Banquet. 1. Junior Class Officers: Richard Young (Chaplain), Bruce Henslin (Student Sen- ate),MartyShaw(President),Lila Terlouw (Secretary), Kurt Harding (Vice Presi- dent). Not pictured Irene Taylor(Treasur- er). and Dan Wickman (Student Senate). 2.Beauty is in the eye ofthe beholder,or so hopes Dan Dunn. 3.To Cherie Watts,the library is more than just a place to read books. 4. Tom Williams chats before chapel. 58