1977 Miracle Yearbook
Newspaper Continues To Improve This year, WHISPERING CE- DARS,the bi-weekly edition ofthe Cedarville College campus news- paper boasts the largest staffin its history. Varying from6—8 pages, the paper is also longer than ever before. Another first includes na- tional features, such as the comic strip "Peanuts" and a syndicated column by Jack Anderson. Issuing from the dark recesses of its head- quarters in the basement of Mar- shall dormitory, WHISPERING CEDARS is distributed to all Ce- darville students and faculty through intra-campus mail. The newspaper also goes out to sub- scribers which include alumni,pas- tors, parents,trustees,donors,and over 20 other colleges. Run totally by student journalists (assisted by Advisor, Mr. Ron Grosh), CEDARS is funded by moneyfrom the Student Activities Office and local advertising. 1. Susan Zink and Karen Haga do their share to prepare the paper for printing. 2. Claire Phillips ponders how to lay-out the articles. 3. A cluttered table tells the WHISPER- ING CEDARS production story — from single picture and articles, to layout sheets, to the final printed copy. 4. Co-editor Wendy McNiece works on ad- vertisements for the next issue. 5. Craig Miller, Co-editor, stops his own work to give instruction to others. 6. Whispering Cedars: Ron Grosh (Advis- er), B. Anderson, M. Sprano, K. Price, J. Tedeschi, K. Haga,B. Foreman,S. Myers, M. O'Quinn, C. Olson, N. Terkildsen, D. Monts,C. Lofgren, C. Starbuck,S. Poling, D. Green, R. Wagner,C. Phillips, T. Wag- ner, B. Waggoner, S. Zink, E. Dugan. 87
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