1977 Miracle Yearbook
92 Lending Assistance To Others Phi Epsilon Kappa is better trans- lated "Light in the World". Those students who believe that they are called into some area of fulltime Christian work meet together for instruction from guest speakers and fellowship with one another.A volunteer honorary student group whose purpose is to host campus visitors describes Pi Delta. They conduct campus tours; make sure that guests have lodging;and show good ole Cedarville hospitality. Assisting churches in the general area is the main purpose of the canvassing ministry. Students ac- complish this by going door-to- door taking a survey of a specific church's surrounding community. Cedarville's chapter of Music Edu- cators National Conference seeks to acquaint its members with the most effective techniques and re- sources in music education. Their newest undertaking is the spring musical, "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown." 1. Could it be that Linus "kisses the girls and makes them cry?" 2. Tim Pasma, playing the part of Charlie Brown, pauses to sign an autograph for an adoring fan. 3. Phi Epsilon Kappa: M. Davenport, A. Ternak, K.Browne,D. Storch. 4. Canvassing: G. Bennett, D. Woodall, A. Simpson, C. Miller, D. VanLoan, K. Sey- mour,B.Kessler,B.Guenther,K.Lapp,R. Kinkle,N.Crandall,C.Keller,M.Johnson. 5. MENC: FRONT ROW: B. Klimek, R. Eaton, C. Hulsman, R. Luedeke, D. Spen- cer; BACK ROW: J. Mohler, J. Riter, K. Seymour,C. Sprunger, A. Henning. 6.Pi Delta: C. Miller,C.Phillips,R.Yoder, B. Begley.
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