1977 Miracle Yearbook
96 Fun, Food And Fellowship A men's organization that offers services to the campus of Cedar- ville College and fellowship for its members is Pi Sigma Nu. Each year fifteen members are initiated into the organization. The initi- ation is its most noted activity. Ranking second is the shovelling of snow from the school's sidewalks during the winter. Varsity C is a club for men who have lettered in sports at Cedar- ville. They are responsible for the church tournaments held on cam- pus during the winter,and also for the food sold to spectators at the basketball games. 1. A visiting coach is awarded a trophy for his team's placing in the church tourna- ments sponsored by Varsity C. 2. Steve Uyenshi,Joe Harkleroad,and Jon Wyman work hard selling popcorn at bas- ketball games. 3. VARSITY C: FRONT ROW:W.Rowe , T. Williams, K. Waiters, D. Chesser, D. Self, D. Stoner, J. Wyman, M. Ziegler, D. Jarvis; SECOND ROW: P. Budnik, J. Harkleroad,R.Cagwin,B.Henslin,B.Hull, J. Potter, P. Slusher, W. Gifford; THIRD ROW:R.Thomas ,T.Benefiel, K.Erny,B. Fleming,R.Thacker,W.Gerber,D.Wood. 4. Dan Dedic keeps score for the tourna- ments. 5.A stolen Pi Sigma Nu bell is now proper- ty of Alpha Chi. 6.PISIGMA NU:FRONT ROW:D.Ston - er,W.Gerber,D.Bartemus,K.Harding,B. Hull; SECOND ROW:G. Spencer, D. Ev- ans,M.Mignard,R.DePriest,M.Ziegler,S. Stairs, D.Bresson,D. Harkleroad;THIRD ROW:S. Uyenshi, D. Mattox, R. Comme- vine, D. Colburn, R. Cagwin,P. Slusher.
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