1978 Miracle Yearbook

Swordbearers Plant Churches; Master's Muppets Reach Children Their are two extensions teams that work with young churches. One team is specifically planting a church in the South Charleston, Ohio area. A fall youth conference is held annually on the first weekend in November. Two core teams travel during the spring break and a team travels lor eleven weeks during the summer. The outreach minist ries of the Swordbearers are many and give students valuable experience for their future service. The Master 's Muppets continue their successful ministry to children. The teams travel to churches and schools to present God's Word through the medium of puppetry. 1. SWOR06EARER$' EXTENSION TEAM: C. Spieef.J . Erikson, C. WICI<s. 6 . Lanphier. 2. MarilynHorneconducts an if>lormati¥eseminar . 3. SWOR08EARERS' EXTENSION TEAM: FIRST ROW: R. Bigelow. B. Spatks: SECOND ROW: T. Andefson. P. Edwards, T. Davis. S. Stange: THIRD ROW: T. Stoner. 4 . SWOROBEARERS' EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE: K. Howell. Pastor Harold Green. D. Ormsbe'e. 0. Lyons. S. Levin, B. Abernathy. M. Cuffmllln. 5. MASTER'S MUPPETS: FRONT ROW: N. MacKenzie. B. James. J. Olllvis. L LliiHaye. P. Mills; BACK ROW: J . Wri&hl , K. Mnlers, BinC¥roll(teamleader). 6. MASTER'S MUPPETS: 0 . Wellinghoff. 0 . Ctwistian (team leader). C. Coulson. 7. MASTER'S MUPPETS: FRONT ROW: T. Redmond. J . R0$11n.11U ; BACK ROW: K. Brower. B. Neally, M. Howard. Master's Muppets/ 105