1978 Miracle Yearbook

Growth Is Seen In Bookstore Bernice Mick was born in Clendenin, West Virginia. She came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as a teenager . Following High School, her father died and she became a supporter lor her mother and seven brothers and sisters. For several years she worked in a drugstore and learned much about merchandising After she had gained experience in merchandising. the lord enabled her to attend Baptist Bible Seminary in Johnson City, New York. Transferring to Cedarville College in 1953, she graduated in the diploma program in 1955. Prior to graduation, she became involved in the enterprise of the college bookstore. Using her past preparation, she nurtured the fledgling store. The bookstore was first located in what is now the reception room of the Administration Building. It was then moved to the basement of the Fine Arts Building where a snack shop. laundry room, and student lounge were part of the bookstore operation . Continuing to outgrow its cramped quarters, the bookstore and company moved to the first floor of Patterson Hall . The final move came in 1965 when the store was established in one·hal f of Milner Hall. The store has nearly taken over Milner Hall with only a few rooms used for other purposes. Miss Mick has learned to use every possible square inch in the space that is given her . Books are ordered from over 500 companies. Far from being "just another college bookstore ", the Cedarville College Bookstore is known across the United States and around the world. For helping Cedarville College grow into a recognized Christian Liberal Arts College and effectively serving the student body. faculty. staff, community, missionaries. visitors. and pastors. we. of the yearbook staff dedicate the 1978 Miracle to Miss Bernice Mick Dedication/ 11