1978 Miracle Yearbook
Students Meet Needs Of Special People Barney's Children's Hospi tal allows Cedarville students to apply for volunteer positions on its staff. The volunteers cheer up children who are having physical difficulties or surgery. By becoming acquainted with the chi ldren, the volunteers have opportunities to share Christ's love lor children and show them their need of Him as their Savior . The Yellow Springs Riding Center gives Cedarville students a chance to communicate the Gospel to others while walking their horses. A ministry t o the mentally handicapped is accomplished at the Four Oaks School . Students participate in various social , athletic and academic activities to aid the children in reach ing their highest mental and physical maturation points. I. BARNEV"S CHILDREN"S HOSPITAL: N. Lightner. C. Jacob,. V. Burleson. 2. The FourOaksgangand the CedarvilleblmChgoonahayride. 3. YELLOW SPRINGS RIDING CENTER: FRONT ROW: M. Schwenke. W. Kisner. M. Moore: BACK ROW; P. Mochalski. C Owen. o . Schieber 4. FOUR OAKS TEAM: FRONT ROW: J Bubel, C. Brown. B. Stewart. 0 . Van Ryn: SECOND ROW: 0 . Moiler. 0 . Mast. N. Addison. S. Bonzo: THIRD ROW: J Prugh. D. Hartman: FOURTH ROW: B Weller. R. Crompton. M. J~~~: 5. Debbie Mont shares some ··sort llllk"" wotha Four Oaks" student . 6 . A barbe<:ue by the Cedarvijle tennis COI.Ir!s osanactOYotyenjoyedbyall. 114/ Barney's And Yellow Springs
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