1978 Miracle Yearbook

Students Gain Valuable Experience The Missionary Internship Service provides an opportunity for students to experience the ministry of Christian missions. If the service is abroad. the student can enlarge his mind culturally as well as spiritually. The large task of planting indigenous New Testament churches can be aided by students who are willing to help. The 1978 M.I .S. group goes to Chad and liberia, Africa, Brazil. Ireland, Israel, Philippine Republic, Mexico. Indiana and Utah . The 1978 Summer Swordbearers travel in the mid· west, br inging their wide-range ministry to local churches and camps. I. ISRAEL: J. Veld!, $. Arthur, M. Kirby, J . Jamison. D. Rowe. 2. AFRICA: S. Taylor (CI'lad). D. Drozek (Chad). R. Martin, 0 . Richardson (Ch-.:1). 3. SRAZIL WORK TEAM: FRONT ROW: R. Strobtidge: BACK ROW: T_ Kn•a:ht, S. Smith, R, Smith. 4 . FORTALEZA, BRAZIL: C. Sirka. 5. IRELAND: FRONT ROW: V. Maloney, T. DanK; BACK ROW: A. Morpn, 6. MEXICO: E. Williams. Miss Carmen Shirk, C. Denny, L McClure. 7. BRAZil SINGING TEAM: FRONT ROW: J. Luee, L. Goheen. N. Reitnauoe<", D. Messena:er. W. Kisner. J. Bradshaw. B. Few: BACK ROW: R. Connon. J . Riter, L West . D. Klsner(teamleade<). 8. 1978 SUMMER SWOROBEARERS· FRONT ROW: G. Decker , K. Wilhite. K. Seymour. B. Hoblll', B. Lanphier, S. levin, M, Bentley(team leader), 0 . Storch; BACK ROW: P. Miller , J. luke, S. Keller. 9. UNITEOSTATES: G. Longnecker (Utah). T. Hoa:anson(Utah), 0 . Seldon (Indiana). l D. PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC: K, Anderson . II. PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC BASKETBALL TEAM: FRONT ROW: D. Green, M. Streitmatter. K, Kauffman,J . LanU; BACK ROW: T. Hutchison, B. Mlck, 8 Riggs, F. Riche<, Coach Don CalLan. Swordbearers And M.I .S./ 123