1978 Miracle Yearbook

Choir And Choralaires Conduct Tour The Cedarville College Music Department sends out two musical groups during spr ing break. The Concert Choir and Choralaires each conduct a ten- day tour through various states, ministering to local churches and schools. This year the Concert Choi r travels east to New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and conclude their tour in Ohio. The Choralaires tour through Michigan. I . The Concert Choirm•nistersin the Allentown Baptist Chu rch on their tour. 2. 0anHicksmiraculouslytunes the pitchp•peonhis toreheadasDianeDe Nicolalooksonwithamazemenl. 3. Patty Reynolds cuddles up with a lrlend. 4. THE CHORAL.AIRES: FIRST ROW: 0 McMurray, L. Stigers. J . Raber. J. Mohler. D. Etlin&ton; SECOND ROW: C. Sprunger. J . wt\eoeler. P. Humphrey. J . Mishler. C. Mclane , N. Unroe, K. Jones. N. Tenney. K. H;,kes. F. Graohl; THIRD ROW: J. Trapha&en. 8 . K1.1hn. C. Manst ield. L. OeYoo.>na. K. Breehe<. o. Elmore. D. StO<"ch. S. levon. M. Reonholdt. C. H1.1tlman: FOURTH ROW: J . LOJCe. P. L1.1ce. G. Howe. S. Brown. J. Smoth. C. Proi<Op, K. ChiJdrick. G NichoN: FIFTH ROW: Conductor Lyle Anders-on. E. W)'~~e. J . Out!. R. Connors. J . Llmba1.1gh . B. Hayes. R. Ph~lips. P. Miller . 5. 81.1sdriver Mr . SizemO<"e<tndChoir CondliCtor D;,vid Mats.ondiSCI.ISStr;,vel pl;,ns. 6. THE CONCERT CHOIR: FIRST ROW: K. Fa1.111. D. Lawhead, e. Adams. F. 01.1ley. 8. Webt)er. M. Nelson. G. Ward. 0 . Wickman. P. Reynolds: SECOND ROW: 0 . Given. 0 . Wetzel. N. lon&:necker.J. S1.1rso. J. H;,rt. P. K;,hl. l. Rober l s. G. Smith. D. M<tl.lst.C. WhiteSiine : THIRD ROW: K. SeymO<.Jr. J. H1.1nt . S. Jenkins.l. Ramsey.J. Conklin. J . Riter. 0 . 0e Nicol;,. K. Amsti.IIZ. S. Knicely: FOURTH ROW: D. Hicks. D. Spencer. R. Harper. K. Lapp. D. Price.J. Blasdell. P. Stoner. 8. Beikeri.A. Webtle<" . 7. Lisa Ram~~ey tllke'S the IMPERIAL tntetesttooseriously. 8. Jet! Conklin and Mike Brumba<Jgh ~,~~~loildth.eluaaee. Concert Choir /127