1978 Miracle Yearbook
Cedars Publishes Weekly WHISPERING CEDARS, the college newspaper, became a weekly paper for the 1977-78 school year. The depth of the CEDARS has great ly improved with better news reporting and unique feature articles. Series articles are frequent on topics such as what students can do with their major after graduation. The paper is enhanced by the syndicated feature, "Washington Merry-Go- Round" by Jack Anderson and Charles Schulz' " Peanuts. " Clever pol itical and satirical cartoons are printed f requently to add wit and wisdom to the paper. A popular feature is " l etters to the Editor" in which students can e)(press their opinions. This aids in bringing issues out in to the open so there is no rumor about it. The feature t eaches the student how to articulate t heir opinions in writing. Though sometimes controversial, the letters usually bring about positive action that improves the school. The editors write editorials each week on some cur ren t school issue or problem. The problem is stated and a possible solution is given. I. The CEDARS staff Is hard at work to meettheirpublishingdeadline. 2. MarkWarren countsthenumllerol charactersinanaveragelineofcopy . l . K.ris K.arsian lleginsdoi"'lhelayoutfor theeurrent n.ewspaper . 4, [QITORlAL STAFF; FRONT ROW: C. Phlllips ( layout Editor): BACK ROW: S Zink(Copy Editor), C. Miller(Editor-ln· Chief), 0 . Green(Business Manager) . 5. Claire PhillipsandK.ris K.arsian doth.e preliminarypaste-upofthenewspaper. 6 . Nny Ross, 8ii1Aberrnothy. and Martha Spranocheckforcopyerrorslleforethe papergoestotheprinters. Whispering Cedars / 131
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