1978 Miracle Yearbook

Employees Improve College ' s Stature I. LYNN BROCK. M.L.S., Director of library Services 2. ELDON SARVER. B.S.• A<:eountant DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 3. IRENE TAYLOR, Secretary DEBBIE GIDLEY. B.A.• Secretary to Dir ector of Deve lopment 4. ROBERT BEIKERT, B.S., Th.B.. DirectorofPurchaslngandStaff Personnel Services 5. STEPHEN BROWN, M.L.S., Associate OirectoroflibraryServieesMAILING ROOM: 6. WILMA CONKLI N MARION PAYNE, Supervisor DEVELOPMENT OFFICE: 7.liNDABENSON. GraphicA.rtist CARlA HUMM. Composer Operator DEBRA CLOUGH. Admissions Counsellor VIRGINIA TAYLOR, Se<:retary to Esta te Planning and Alumni Coordinator DEBBIE KITCHEN. AsslstanttoOirectorofPublic Relations 8 . HENRY PHILLIPS, B.A., Assistant Director of Development. Estate Planning 9. ROY KERN, B.A., Director of Public Relations and Student Recr uitment 10. DANIEL STEVENS, Th.M. Assl$1ant Dir ector of Development. Alumni Coordinator Development. Public Relations/151