1978 Miracle Yearbook

Practical Studies Are Emphasized BUSINESS AOMINSTRATION DEPARTMENT: I. WILLIAM RITER. M.S.• C.P.A. AssociateProlessoroiAccounting. Chairman 2. RICHARD BALDWIN, M.B.A.. LL.B.. AnistantProfessorofBusin.ess 3. JAMES SEAMAN. Ph.D., Assistant ProfeSSOiof Marketing Management EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: 4. BEVERLY MONROE. M.A., Assistant ProfessorofEdu.cation S. JIM BIDDLE. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education, Acting Chairman 6 . PAUL CARlSON, Ph.D., Part-lime lnstructoroiEducation 1. MARTHA DUNN, M.A., Assistant ProlenoroiEduelotion 8. HELEN HALL, M .A., A5s.istant Professor of Education 9 . IRMA DODSON. M.A.• Professor ol Education 10. RONALD CORIHL. M.A., P3rt-tirne lnstri.ICloroiEdu.cation II. DWAYNE FRANK, Ed.O.• Professor of Ed1.1cation 162/Business Admi n istration