1978 Miracle Yearbook
Halloween Party Is A Success The gym comes alive with everything from clowns to Aunt Jemima on October 29, 1977 as the sophomore class sponsors the annual Halloween Party. Over 400 students participate in making the party a success. Activities, such as an apple bob booth, a wishing well, and a pillow fight booth, focus around a Gazebo located in the center of the gym. Keith Ri ce, Randy Cagwin, and Dan Basye take first place as box-head midget men in a costume competition. Second place is given to Kathy Howell as Aunt Jemima and third to circus clowns lydia West and Joan Surso. 1. ~ne McMill&n .00 Judi Riter, members of ttleGefitolset.areelate-dtoha~anevenins away !rom the home. 2.8ox-headmldgi!lsKeithRice,Randy Cagwin.andOanBas~dlsplaytheirFirst Place costumes. 3. Dr. KentAmstutz&nd Nurse P~~t.~lll Kozm~~ usetheirsyrinj:esassquirl&uns. 4. PirateCtwisWalktrenttrl aMosht Oily.,.. look·alikeeonlest . 5. TheHalloween Parlyisinvlldedbyll$wa.<m of two killer bees . Ha11oween/17
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