1978 Miracle Yearbook

382 Comprise Class Of 1981 The Freshman Class is comprised of approximately 382 members. They particpate in activities that include Sadie Hawkin's race, roller skating, bowling, and sever al gym nights. Their members are eager to be involved in the activities and events offered to them . Their enthusiasm is refreshing to the somewhat ' 'booged-down' ' upper classman. This enthusiasm should be con t inued to keep Cedarville's zeal alive. I. The Freshman Clusattemputo locate their shoes atler a SOphomore- Frestlm&n 1ame night in the gym. 2. FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS SEATED: Tom Paschall (Chaplain), David Price(Student Senate). Cheryl McMillan (Secretaory): STANDING: RicltJonn (Student Senate). V;,ldeGarcia (Pre5idenl). Randy Meister (Voce- President). Te<IDeSh~lds(Truwrer). J . PamKahlbelievesinmoi$turizingher $C&Ip,.;therichlltherbelorehaving herheadshit'lfll. 4. Rhonda Hettinger ekhibits her ,.;nning ~le. 5. Only 1 lew ownerlen shoes remein altertheorien t&tion&Ymnightgivl!fl for the Freshman ClessbytheCiessof 1980 6. Betsy Froh wai ts l or ;,special phone '"'· 7. ' 'Help me. help me. my curlers ere too t lght!"'criesaSouthHallresldentin ;,nguish. 8. ForenlncomingFreshman.the reglstra tionlinesseemendless 174 / Freshman