1978 Miracle Yearbook

Juniors Sponsor J.S. Banquet The Class of 1979 conducts a bowling party in the fall which is well-attended. A picnic at Heuston Woods State Park is held in the Spring Quarter. The juniors participate in boating and softball at the spring function. Fund-raising activities include shar ing the survival kit responsibilities with the Senior Class during the Spring Quarter final exams. The Class of 1979 honor the Class of 1978 with a delightful banquet at the Ohio State Fawcett Center for Tomorrow. Gospel recording artist Johnny Hall is the entertainment for the evening. The uniqueness of the Junior Class is exhibited in their Homecoming float entry. The float is probably the tallest and possibly the largest ever to grace Cedarville streets. The design is definitely avant-garde. I . JimGermanpretendstobe thoroughlyengrossedin abookwhi lehe ca tchesupon somelost sleep. 2. Karen Oyer sharesap,.lse with the Stu~ntBodydurlngadayolprayer . 3. Denise Kelso wonders what she is doinglnthel)'mwhenshehasapileol homeworktodo in the room 4 . JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS: SEATED Vance Maloney(Stl.fdentSenate).Cindy Hall (Treasurer). Lisa McClure {Vice· President). JoanSurso(SKretary). John Potter (Pre5ident ); STANDING: Warren Thr ockmorton (Stude<ll Senate). Allen Webber{Chapla•n). 5. JohnEissensreviewschemical mechinisms and rea.ctions lor an upcominf;O<II:anicchemistryedm. 6. Lori Neal heads toward the tennis cour ts to watch some tennis player in a $ingle5ma tch. 200/ Juniors