1978 Miracle Yearbook
Little Girls Love Soft Water . So Do Mommies and Daddies! TREAT YOURSELF TO REAL SOFT WATER Water softener sales, se rvice, rehtals, sal t 3249 Dryden Rd Dayton. Ohio 45439 (51 3) 294-5100 DEALER INQUIRY$ INVITED "Let you r light so ahine before men, that they m•y see your good worb, •nd 1lorify your Father which i• in heaven." - Matthew 5: 16 YELWW SPRINGS NEWS May God"1 p.ce lift .. all into U. 1by <II Hie. ........ s.t Wid>et rromu. &.rro~u. v,• ._Spri•N-
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