1978 Miracle Yearbook

Cross Country Team Turns In Solid Performances The 1977 Cross Country team turns in several solid performances. 1976 All· American Brian Hull , as e)(pected, is consistently t ough and leads the squad to first place f inishes at Earlham and in the NCCAA District ltl competition. Hull places twentieth in an All-Ohio meet at Columbus. The sq uad loses only one senior . Bruce Henslin. With a young team, Coach Elvin King looks forward t o a successful 1978 Cross Country season. I. Tom Yateristhell!llder ol the pack. 2. The 1977 CROSS COUNTRY TEAM: f RONT ROW: C. Colas, D. Treese. J . Len~on.A..Wind.O. S!J&i.C.Gutwein; BACK ROW: Coach Elvin King. K. Howard, T. Yate-r. C. Clark. B. Hu•. B. Henslin. J . &ianHultdisplayshlswinningstride. 4. Thesquadfaithfull)lpracticesto improvein<fovidualti.,.s. 5. Bru.::e Henslindrawsonhis resotWces !Of' more energy. 1977 CROSS COUNTRY STATISTICS lndoanaCenUallnvolatoonal 8th Earlhamlnvotaloonal ht Maroon lnvotahonal 8th Fondlaylnvotatoonal 7th C...darvolle lnY!atoonal Jrd Mt Vernon lnvolaloonal 2nd NCCAA Oostroctlll hi ModOhoo Conference 4!h NCCAA Natoonals 4th Cross Country/57