1978 Miracle Yearbook

Women Spikers Post 22-19 Record The 1977 Women's Volleyball Team posts a 22-19 season record. They finish in the top eight in the state of Ohio. Coach Kearney's squad is enhanced by the consistent playing of Sophomore Brenda Hobar and Senior Captain Judie Cross. Hobar is named MVP and Best Defensive Player while Cross garners honors for the Best Setter. Sue Riegle copped recognition for the Best Serving Percentage and t he Most Improved Player is graduating Senior Pat Holmes. The J.V. squad is coached by Jo Pr iola and they will contribute to t he Varsity Netters. l. Judie Cross sets the ball to Brenda Hobar . 2. Pat Holmes prepares to set the batt up to her teammates. J . l977Volleybai!Team: FRONT ROW: S. Riegle, V. Totman, Captain J . Cross. R, Norton: BACK ROW: Ma.na&e< K. Gllll, B. Hol:lar . S. Taylor, P. Holmn D. SarKis. C. Clemons, Coach June Kearney, Manager C. Lancaster. 4. Jud ieCrossread~estoblockaspike. 5. Dorene Sands dives for a set at the knees Volleyball/61