1978 Miracle Yearbook
l.Kathy Turnerisbloekedupby Kim Sfl.elried 2. Coach Jo Priola and the bench squad n&erlywatchtheaetoon. 3. 1977JuniorVarsltyVolleyb311 Team: FRONT ROW: N. Snook, J . Hutchins. C. Heinlieh, K. Sftfr led, R. Railbe: BACK ROW; Coach Jo Priola. L. Penquote. J Griswold, M. Moser. C. Clemons. K. Turne-r 4. Coach Jo Priola pes last minute Instructions and strategies. S. K&thyTurnerprepares to set the ball. 6. LandaPenquiteputsthebaUoverthe nethopingtoseoreapo1nt. 7. Connie Clemons slams a serYe. 62 /Volleyball
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