1978 Miracle Yearbook

Jackets Post Over-.500 Record The Cedarville College basketball Yellow Jackets post a season record that is over the .500 mark. Winning many dose games and coming from behind to win proves that the Jackets are more than a 15-14 ball club. The comradery on the 1977-78 squad is impressive and the team play is refreshing. The team unity is mostly due to the quiet but st rong leadership of Captain Jeff Reep. Reep has visible rapport with his t eammat es and is a responsible l iaison between Coach Don Callan and the players. 1. The 1911·78 VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM: FRONT ROW: K. Wai ters, J . Potter. R. Hiekm11n, M. Allen ; BACK ROW: M. Streitmatter, K. Kllufm.~n, 0 . RHp , M. SGhwenke. J . Reep. J. Lanu, E. Mounts. 2. EtieMountspivotsHkelooksforan openinato~sslheball . 3. Eric MountsreliiCkesforaloouball . • . Kevin WatersdriYestolhebasket . S. CaptainJeffReepli&htsforsole possess.iotloflheball. 6. JuniorVII!"Jityplayer SGottCarr tries toseortqainst l tightdefense . 7. The stertinfj: fivt lrtlntroduced prior tothebnkttballcontest . 64 / Men's Basketball