1978 Miracle Yearbook
While team play is essential, individuals record playing statist ics and honors. Junior Mark Schwenke shoots 55.9% from the field for the top field goal percentage and grabs an average of 8.9 rebounds per game for top rebound honors. Schwenke is also the Most Improved Player. The top free throw percentage is 82.5% accomplished by Freshman Eric Mounts. Mounts is named to the AII ·MOC team and is given Honorable Mention in the NCCAA District Ill and the NAIA. Senior Captain Jeff Reep garners the top average points per game with 19. Reep is named to the AII-MOC, All- District 22. NCCAA District Ill , and aii-NAIA teams. Jeff Reep is also the Most Valuable Player of the 1977-78 squad . Junior John Potter is voted the Captain of the 1978-79 Yellow Jackets who look for another winning season of basketball. t. J.V. starttr Ted DeShields P\111 the balluploranothertwopoints. 2. THE 1977-78 JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM: FRONT ROW: G. Grtvt. T. ~Shields. W. Gifford, S. Carr: BACK ROW: Coa<:h BiM Potter, T. Lones, 0 . Rickard, f . Riche<, Manager V. Garda. 3. Don Rickard waits for a p::;~~~e~ 4 . MarkS<:hwenkescrambles for aloose .... 5. SCottC11rr triHtotipthoeball in. 6. SCottCarrgrabsilrebourld. 66/Men's Basketball
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