1978 Miracle Yearbook

Cheerleaders Spark Enthusiams The 1977-78 cheerleading squads are enthusiastic ca talysts to the school spir it of soccer and baske t ball games. When the Jacket s are down, the zealots encourage the crowd t o cheer their team on to vi ct ory. If the Jackets are ahead, the cheerleaders encourage the players to be consistent. These women also have oppor t unities to share Christ with the cheer leaders of t he competing teams. l. Yellow Jacket mascot Jim Footman charms the crowd. 2. The J .V. C~leader5 warm the s.peetltorsupd...,.inaacn.teialti~t - 3 . AmyYO\II'Ii. Kim Smith . and Danelle Wetzel$h0w whytheyneed the whitest te-eth. • . AgileAndi M~teDermaiddoes a SJ)e(:ial tyonthe mini-trampoline. 5. M;ncot Jim Footman greets a faithful ·~· 6. The 1977 -78VARSITY CHEERLEADERS: FRONT ROW: RhO<Ida YOtffig: MIDDLE ROW: Kim Smith , Aodi MacDermaid, 0-tte Wetzel : BACK ROW: Amy Young. 7. TheJ.V. I.ndVarsity Cheerleltders eagerly await t heJll(kets' arrival. 8. The 1977-78 JUNIOR VARSI TY CHEERLEADERS: Peggy Harrell. Kathy Krewson. Julie Santen. Valerie Friley, Char lene Jatvls. Cheerleaders/ 59