1978 Miracle Yearbook
Determined Cagers Are A Success The 1977-78 women's basketball season is a success brought on by determinati on. Coach Jeremiah's cagers post a 16-9 season record. The success can be attributed to the determined drive of Coach Maryalyce Jeremiah who is coaching her last basketball season at Cedarville College. Honors for Best Field Goal Percentage goes to Vicki Butler with 46%. Doreen Sands shoots 7 from the key to achieve the Best Free Throw Percentage. Butler also garners the most rebounds and has the top scori ng average wi th twenty points per game. Vicki Butler is also named the Most Valuable Player. The Jackettes wi ll have a rebuilding 1978-79 season as they lose five seniors to graduation. 1. Cathy Bunton attempuone of h<!r dass.ic j\Jmpshots. 2. The 1977-78 WOMEN 'S BASKETBALL TEAM: FRONT ROW: L. Risser , K_ Gall , C. B1.1nton, B. Ziemer , L. Palmer ; BACK ROW: Mana1er C. Castle, C. Anderson, K. Hill, J . l iml»\\&h, V. B1.1tler , R. Norton, D. Sands. Coach ~:;:::':.,~~ 3. Kim GaMslrugles !01 control of the ball. 4 . Rachel Norton awaits the ball with OI.IIStretched arms. 5. Kim Hill keeps the ball amidatOUKh Dominican defense 6. Rachel N01ton l-inks a jumper . 70/Women's Basketball
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