1979 Miracle Yearbook

• Language And Speech The Language and Literature Depart- ment is comprised of 1) English Lan- guage, 2) World, English, and Ameri- can Literature,3)Spanish,4)German, and 5)Greek.The English Department seeks to achieve the following objec- tives: 1) to speak and write correctly and effectively, 2)to read and appreci- ate the great masterpieces of English and American and World Literature,3) to teach intelligent standards for evalu- ating literature, 4)to provide a general knowledge of the chronology and the social and intellectual background of English and American Literature,5)to prepare students for graduate work in the field of English, and 6)to prepare THISPAGE:Dr. Greenwood gives one of his warm smiles; Mrs. Baker sure has funny ways of expressing herself; Mrs. Dixon enjoys the Homecoming festivities; Dr. Biddle is never too busy to speak with a student. teachers of English. Students who choose English as a major are expected to acquire a reasonable level of compe- tency in the discipline of the English language. "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name ofthe Lord Jesus,"(I Cor. 3:17). It is the firm conviction of the faculty of the Speech Communica- tions Department that as image bearers of God in relationship to one another, Christians have a responsibility to de- velop and order their God-given com- municative capacities according to the principles and precepts laid forth in the Word of God, our sole authority for faith and practice. OPPOSITEPAGE:ABOVE:Language — Harmon Bergen, M.A.,Pat Dix- on, M.Ed., Edward Greenwood, D.A., Jody Grosh, M.A., Ronald Grosh, M.A.T.,Sandra Harner, Barbara Loach, M.S.,Carmen Shrik, M.A.,Edward Spencer, M.A.,Chairman;Speech — J. Wesley Baker, M.A.,Sharon Biddle, Ph.D., James Phipps, Ph.D., Marlin Rayburn, M.A.; BELOW: Dr. Phipps announces another basketball game; Can Mr. Spencer ever keep a straight face?; Mrs. Miriam Maddox, B.A. — Speech. 144