1980 Miracle Yearbook

AA) DOUGLAS DEAN RICHARDSON Huntsburg, Ohio Chemistry ... that in all things He might have the pre- eminence. Colossians 1:18 b BRIAN L. RIGGS Indianapolis, Indiana Biology Grow in the knowledge of Jesus, for he is most merciful, most just, and most wise. SUSAN RIKE Behavorial Science CYNTHIA ROBB Elementary Education SANDRA ROTH DEBORAH ROTHAAR JANICE REU TOMAS ELIUD RUIZ Woodlyn, Pennsylvania Toledo, Ohio Villa Park, Illinois Caguas, Puerto Rico Business Administration Behavorial Science/Psychology Elementary Education Pre-Seminary/IDS My life is not made of the dreams that I dream, but by the choices that I make. That my thinking will be captive to His Graphes until the Telos of time REBECCA RUPE CLYDE SARVER MARK SCHUCHARD KAREN SEWELL GalOohs, Ohio Rose Hill, Iowa Minneapolis, Minnesoto Lee's Summit, Missouri History/English Education Business Administration Chemistry Biology Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me. Philippians 413 130/Seniors