1980 Miracle Yearbook
Clubs 1. Timalathian members included: Ted DeShields, David Sugg, Stacy Towle, Ken Andrus, Kris Kar- sian. 2. Married Students Club members were: Adults: Greg Birkholtz, Corrine Birkholtz, Dave Murdoch, Carolyn VanNatta, Paul VanNatta, Mary Sanders, Don Sanders. Kids: Dwana Murdoch, David Mur- doch, Daniel Sanders. 3. Physical Education Majors and Minors club members included: Front Row: Donna McHugh, Darcy Morton, Marcy Morton, Mary Stuenzi, Deb- bie Kearsley. Second Row: Brian Medlock, Karen Cooper, Laurie Butler, Sue Kulp, Sue Riegles, Julie Hutchins, Joe Colyer. Third Row: Julie Jones, Lau- ra Hall, Becky Needles, Barb Vinson, Amy Smith, Jill Griswald, Bett Snouffer. Back Row: Rick Hick- man, Norm MacKenzie, Tim Dowd, Rodney Cane, Matt Mills, John Richmond. 4. Advisory 7 members were: Front Row: Dave Kisner, Ken Gaines, Steve Swayze, Pastor Green. Back Row: Keith Willhite, Mark Lones, Kim Kauff- man, Jeff Willetts. 220/Clubs
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