1980 Miracle Yearbook
Christmas 1979 As Fall quarter comes to an end, students prepare for the Christmas Holidays. A scurry of activity takes place as the dorm rooms are pol- ished and decorated for the co-ed open houses. The pressures of finals are lessened as the college considers this joyous event. 1. The sing-along was a special time of fellow- ship for those in attendance. 2. During open house, roommates Ruth Hurl- burt and Linda Grafton prepare a feast for their guests. 3. Do you suppose Santa is headed for Law- lor? 4. The Printy Hall girls know what to do at their Christmas party. 5. Christal Marihugh and Jeff Bartling enjoy a private joke. 6. Everyone was lined up, waiting for the Christmas visitors. . The thought of Christmas brings smiles to the faces of Patterson girls. 8. The thought of being number one brings smiles to the faces of the members of Carr Four. 44/Christmas
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