1980 Miracle Yearbook

Tennis TOP PHOTO Front row, left to right:Landa Penquite, Nancy Oscar, Glenda Maxey, Elaine Heyworth, Patti Harding, Beth Lindley, JanneII Decker. Back row:Rachel Scott (Manager), Connie Clemons, Cathy Boyd, Cheryl McMillan, Shawn Taylor, Colene Fox, Dr. Pamela Diehl (coach). BOTTOM PHOTO Colene Fox, Best Singles Record, Most Valuable Player; Cathy Boyd, Best Doubles Record; Landa Penquite, Most Valuable Player; Cheryl McMillan, Most Improved; Shawn Taylor, Most Valuable Player. Not pictured: Nancy Oscar, Best Doubles Record. The Women's Tennis Team, coached by Dr. Pam Diehl, improved greatly over last year. The team as a whole improved as well as each individual member. Coach Diehl notes that their spiritual growth increased their enjoyment of the season. Four positions qualified for the state tourney but were eliminated early when they met the seeded players. Tennis/81