1981 Miracle Yearbook

MASTER'SPUPPETS Master's Puppets consisted of two teams and production. The teams traveled on weekends and during Spring Break. Production prepared the scripts that the teams used. In addition to these teams was a summer team which traveled for ten weeks during the sum- mer. 1. Mark's team:front: Alice Boyd,Kayla Webb,Kellie Huddleston. Back: Jeff Parry, Mark Pinkerton. 2. Charlie's team: sitting: Rhonda Eubank, Allyson Chapin, Jo Anne Filippelli. Standing: Charlie Phillips, Lisa Petty. 3.Summer team:front: Charlie Phillips, Patty Cornell. Back: Mark Pinkerton, Rhonda Eubank, Ron Hobar. 4. Production: Sitting: Tonya Stretch, Roberta Harmon. sitting: Bonnie Nycum,Ion Harvey. 132/MASTER'S PUPPETS