1981 Miracle Yearbook

CHRISTIAN SERVICE 1. Green County Jail workers witness to the inmates on Sundays. Members included: Sitting: Jenny Raught, Christal Marihugh. Standing: Tim Baker, Colene Fox, Tom Schreiber, Dave Youngman, Mark John- son,Jim Peterson, Barry Hutchins, Loraine Merkh,Absent:Gary Anderson,Jim Wain- wright, Steve Yager. 2. Kimwood team works with boys who have autistic problems. Members were: Row 1: Jennifer Viguers,Chris Parsons,Ka- ren Snare. Row 2: Amy Hancock, Pam McKay, Donna Birch, Miriam Presseau. Row 3: Rebecca Payton, Rebecca Payton, Pat Magnuson, Karen Eddy. 3. Mueller Residential Center is a home for the mentally retarded. Team members in- cluded: Row 1: Laurie Spear, Jill Cranick, Judy Bingman, Denise Waites, Bev Bar- nette, Cheryl McMillan, Bonnie Merrill, Jane Lloyd,Teresa Schaber,Donna Hague, Nancy Price, Denise Hartman,Sandy Oie, Nancy Abel, Carol Lewis. Row 2: Brenda Boley, Marcia Mallare, Erika Cooper, Debbie Standridge, Ruth Hurlburt, Jeff Mackey, Dave West, Kevin Mulder, Gary Yeager, Greg Wells, Charlie High, David Morris. 138/CHRISTIAN SERVICE