1981 Miracle Yearbook

GREEK CLUBS 1. Gamma Zeta Theta is a society to instill Christian personality and leadership. Mem- bers included:Sitting: Jill Cranick,Lizabeth Blanchard. Standing: Judy Spencer, Ruth Kemp, Anita Worley. 2. Alpha Delta Omega is a society which seeks the personal, spiritual development of its membership through personal service to students and others. Members were: Row 1: Michelle Kauffman, Debbie Moody, Sheri Keeler, Donna Gall, Sandy Seals, Becky Pruden, Beth Bullock, Mrs. Dixon, Tammy Kearbey, Carol Morgan, Debbie Standridge. Middle girls: Beth Lindley, Cheryl McMillan. Row 2: Ruthie Fareno, Ruth Ann Book, Mary Wallace, Debra Sloan, Deanna Palmer, Diane McMillan, Karen Grant, Cathy Fisher, Anne Tawney, Lisa Ramsey, Shirley Clark, Peggy Harrel, Becky Blackburn, K. Maria MacDonald, Patty Maloney, Carol Sue Cox. 3. Phi Epsilon Kappa is an organization for those who believe they are going into full- time Christian Service. Members were:Row 1: Tim Bullock, Mr. Parvin, Sheryl Kreidler, Mark Anderson, Delanna Phil- lips, Kirk Wesselink, Dale Rittenhouse, Dick Mulder, Mark Osborne, Mary Mon- crief, Tim Filler. Row 2: Don Rickard, Matt Mills, Bob Entwistle, Dave Lindner, Steve Churchill, Floyd Stanfill. GREEK CLUBS/149