1981 Miracle Yearbook

CEDARS SAAB 1. The Cedars staff were responsible for a semi-weekly school newspaper. Members were: Sitting: Christina Ter- rill, Rebecca Jones, Marla Waddle, Terri Schmidt, Reda Moore, Carol Lewis. Row 2: Pauline Hart, Angie Brown, Susan Fields, Paul Sewell, Cheryl Lutz, Bonnie Yesilko, Mark Wellman, Merry Damon, John Har- vey. Row 3: Grant Williams, Jon An- derson, Sheila Stephenson, Charlie High,Tim Ronk. Row 4: Brad Brandt, Tom Petro, J.R. Smith, Dave Fogle. 2. The Student Academic Advisory Board works with faculty and adminis- tration to improve the academic pro- gram. Members included: Paul Van- Natta, Randy Strobridge, Ed Smith, Janis Traphagen, Randy Harper, Jan- e!! Decker, Tim Ronk. CEDARS, SAAB/153