1981 Miracle Yearbook

WHO'S WHO ADVISORY 7 1. Who's Who in American Universities consists of Juniors and Seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and Christian service. Nomi- nees included: Row 1: Ed Smith, Rick Matter, Jane!! Decker, Lisa Meharry, Cheryl Coulson, Karen McHugh, Floyd Stanfill, Angela Brown, Peggy Harrell, Trudy Tangblade, Charlie High, Carey Weaver. Row 2: Dave Lewis, Mark Wo- mack, Greg Greve, Becky Needles, Larry Green, Doug Phillips, Rosco Smith. 2. The Advisory 7 schedule the Fellow- ship church speakers, teach Sunday School classes and seek to improve the spiritual climate of the college. Members were: John Hart, Dave Bergendine, Larry Green,Greg Greve,Larry Seawell, Tim Hoganson, Vini Jacquery. 154/WHO'S WHO,ADV.7