1981 Miracle Yearbook

1011w" 1111 i 'Mg .Springs 10/ 4140 10 I.I I.0 0, 0,1,111 LIVING SPRINGS, YEARBOOK 1. The Living Springs Staff print a monthly inspirational paper for Senior Citizens. Members included:Row 1:Cindy Fast,Car- lene Terlouw, Larry Lim,Paul Sewell. Row 2: Greg Malone, Julie Pitts, John Tilford, Marla Waddle. 2. The Miracle Yearbook staff puts together the college annual. Members were: Row 1: Angela Brown, Mr. Rayburn (Advisor). Row 2: Bonnie Vesilko, Carol Morgan, Jill Dalby, Marla Eissens, Dave Kissinger. Row 3: Steve Stallsmith, Donna Estes, Betsy Flatt, Michelle Randall, Donna Supplee, Marcia McNeish. Not pictured: Bryan Armstrong, Valerie Hallett, Russ Mierta. 156/LIV. SPRINGS, YEARBOOK