1981 Miracle Yearbook
Dr. Phipps greets Tim Power at a rally. 2. Dr. Phipps shakes Inds with Julie Merck. 3. Ma Printy and Dr. Phipps greet their Is. 4. Dr. Phipps' body guards. 5. Cheryl Coulson, Dr. Phipps, a Printy,and Douglas Vander Meulen.6. Jimmie shakes hands as passes out whole bananas. 7. Edd Sturdevant brings more ba- Inas for the campaign. 8. Edd Sturdevant. CEDAR WHAT RALLIES Many events took place before the Cedar What Banquet on November 15th. Both the Liberal and Conservative Parties pre- sented their platforms, made their speech- es, and formed rallies. These mock elec- tions take place every four years on cam- pus. The Liberal Party was represented by Mr. Pagnard and Dr. Seaman (Jimmie and Chuckie). The Conservative Party was re- presented by Dr. Phipps and Ma Printy (Phipps and Printy). CEDAR WHAT/29
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