1981 Miracle Yearbook

SPRING BREAK Many Christian Service teams remained active during Spring Break. Teams such as the Florida, New York, Texas, Sword- bearers, Abundant Life, and the Concert Chorale all traveled, involved in their individual ministries of beach evangelism,street evangelism, children's evangelism and singing performances. 1. Marla Eissens and other Texas team members enjoy an afternoon picnic. 2. An illustration is presented by Texas team member Barry Hutchins. 3. Scott Dixon enjoys a pony ride with a young friend.4. A New York subway serves as a background for the witnessing of Dave Averill. 5. Dave English passes out tracts. 6. Larry Green spends time in devotion. 7. The New York team poses with their newfound friends. 8. Karen Crawford works with children. 9. Con- cert Chorale members Kathy and Marcia Mallare and hostess Kay Johnson unwind. 10. Carl Ruby stops to chat. 11. Swordbearers were also travelling during break. 12. This group found the Concert Chorale tour a tiring exper- ience. 52/SPRING BREAK