1982 Miracle Yearbook

Dr. Paul Dixon 1 President Cedarville Col- lege Mr. John Draxler Dr. Jack W. Jacobs Senior Vice President Ell- Pastor Walnut Ridge Bap- well Parker Electric Co. tist Church Waterloo, Iowa Dr. James T. Jeremiah Chancellor Cedarville Col- lege Emeritus Trustee Mr. George O'Bryon Retired Businessman Rev. Irwin Olson Indiana State Representa- tive to the Fellowship 01 Regular Baptist Churches Dr. Gerald Smelser Field Representative of the Cleveland Hebrew Mission Dr. Donald Tyler Pastor Bethesda Baptist Church Brownsburg, Indi- ana Rev. Earl Umbaugh Baptist Mid-Mission Short Term Missionary to the West Indies Rev. Earl Willetts Interm Pastor Berea, Ohio Dr. Robert L. Sumner Managing Editor of The Sword of the Lord Trustees Not Pictured: Mr. Charles A. Barth, Emeritus Mr. Arthur Dyke, Emeritus Mr. Roy Guenin Dr. J. Don Jennings Mr. Wiliam Patterson, Emeritus Dr. Paul Tassell BOARD OF TRUSTEES/257