1983 Miracle Yearbook

Cedarville Adds A New Major To The Academic Program Cedarville College added a new Pre-Engineering Major to its academic program at the beginning of the 1982-83school year. Dr. Wetzel is preGently the faculty member heading up the new pro- gram.For the 1982-83school year there were9students enrolled in the program. They are pictured above: (left to right), kneeling: Norman Corliss, Mark Carraher,Stephen Guest,Ken Hunt. Stand- ing: Robert Bolds, Dr. Wetzel, Jeff Shephard, Rich Dunn, Brian Raines, Dr. Johnson, Kenyon Miller. Alpha Chi Sweetheart The men of Alpha Chi chose as their Sweetheart for the coming year, Dar- leen Canaria Each year at the time of their annual Alpha Chi Banquet, the men choose a Sweetheart to represent them for the coming year. The women are chosen on the basis of character, service, and Christian testimony. This year's Sweetheart,Darleen Canino,is a Junior Nursing major from Mio, Michi- gan. 23