1983 Miracle Yearbook

Senior Chapel One of the biggest highlights of the year, espe- cially for Seniors, is the Senior Chapel. For that chapel service, the Seniors have charge of the entire hour. Senior Class Chaplin, Dean Johnson, gave the message for Senior Chapel challenging Seniors to not always pick the easy road in life, but to look instead for ways to be used of God whether they be hard or easy. There was special music by other members of• the Senior Class during the service. At the end of the service, all the Seniors joined on the steps of the platform and sang the class song. For many present it was a very special chapel,and one which Seniors will always remem- ber. The Senior Class Gift The Seniors chose to help fin- ish part of the Student Center when they designated their class gift. The class gift was a wall mu- ral measuring 8 feet by 13 feet which was put up in the Student Center. The mural was taken from a picture of the Administra- tion Building, "Old Main", back as it appeared in 1914. 236