1983 Miracle Yearbook
TRUSTEES Rev. Earl Umbaugh Baptist Mid-Mission Short Term Missionary to the West Indies Rev. Earl Willetts Interm Pastor, Berea, Ohio Dr.Paul Dixon President of Cedarville College Mr.John Drazler Senior Vice President Ellwell Parker Electric Co. Dr. Jack W.Jacobs Pastor, Walnut Ridge Baptist Church Waterloo, Iowa Dr. James T. Jeremiah Chancellor Cedarville College Emeritus Trustee Mr.George O'Bryon Retired Businessman Rev.Irwin Olson Indiana State Representative to the Fellowship of Regular Baptist Churches Dr. Gerald Smelser Field Representative of the Cleveland Hebrew Mission Dr. Robert L.Sumner Editor of "Biblical Evangelist" Dr. Donald Tyler Pastor, Bethesda Baptist Church Brownsburg, Indiana Trustees Not Pictured Mr. Charles A. Barth, Emeritus Mr. Arthur Dyke, Emeritus Mr.Roy Guenin Dr. J. Don Jennings Mr. Willam Patterson, Emeritus Rev.Lynn Rogers Dr.Paul Tassell 245
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