1984 Miracle Yearbook

AMGknu2, D©cadiKpc5cv T he head resident position here at 1 Cedarville presents unique oppor- tunities not found at secular colleges. There are many situations where I can integrate Biblical principals into a stu- dent's life. Young men go through many changes while at school. Some mature faster than others and demon- strate an interest in spiritual things. The most effective impact I can have in their lives comes from living a consistent lifestyle before them. The guys do not set their standards ac- cording to the handbook because most of them never bother to read it. They watch the R.A.'s and see where they will set their boundaries as per- taining to the rules. If a Head Resident can be balanced in his position, he will gain the respect of his students. I must get to know the student and assure him of the open Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kunkel Head Resident of "The Hill" Rogers Hall channel to always come and speak with me. The most important aspects of thi: job are getting to know the young men,being balanced in discipline, anc living a consistent life before them, Thi: job has taught me a lot, and I an thankful for the many good times thal it has given to my family. by Matt Kunke West Hall 130 Men's Dormitories